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Kainkarya Sabhas
ஒழிவில்  காலமெல்லாம் உடனாய்  மன்னி
வழுவிலா  அடிமை செய்ய  வேண்டும்  நாம்
தெழி  குரலருவித்  திருவேங்கடத்து
எழில்கொள்  சோதி எந்தை  தந்தை  தந்தைக்கே
- நம்மாழ்வார்

Nammazhvar declares that at all times and forever by his side, we must perform stintless service to the Lord Supreme.

There are innumerable kainkaryams (services) one can undertake among which Veda parayanam, Divya Prabandha parayanam and SriPatha seva are construed as the most important ones in the context of temples (அர்ச்சாவதாரம் - The Archaa form of the Lord). Accordingly, to ensure that these kainkaryams are rendered forever at this temple, our predecessor devotees, with profound insight, have formed the Vedaparayana Sabha (1905), Sri Vedantha Desikar Vanabhojanam Trust (1913) and Sri Vaishnava Sri Patham Kainkarya Association (1946).

These organisations complement one another in the service of Lord Srinivasa and consciously strive to fulfil the Thiruvullam of Nammazhwar. More about these service organisations in the respective links.

www.svdd.com - © Sri Vedantha Desikar Devasthanam, Mylapore, Chennai.