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July 2015 Quiz Results
Trail Our Glorious Sampradaya - July 2015

Prize distribution - July 2015

Dear Fellow-Bhagavathas,

We thank you very much for your enthusiastic participation in the Monthly Online Quiz ‘Trail Our Glorious Sampradaya’, which concluded with the 100th episode in July 2015. We hope the programme was interesting while also being educative.

The prizes to the three winners in respect of for the final month were given away during the function held in the temple premises on 14th February 2016. Also, the prizes for Sustained Excellence in ‘Weekly Paasuram Quest’ — July to September 2015 were distributed on the occasion. Sri R. Srinivasan, a Trustee of the Temple, presided over and did the honours.

The prizes for Weekly Paasuram Quest were sponsored by Smt. Anasuya Raghavan, Chennai - 41, and Sri V.J. Santhanam, Chennai - 17. We record our sincere thanks to them.

A highlight of the programme was the invocation, consisting of select verses from Swami Desika’s Adhikara Sangraham, beautifully sung by nine-year-old Sow. Asritha. She also presented a few Slokas from Desika Mangalam in conclusion of the function and delighted the gathering.

Many congratulations to all the prize winners and we look forward to continued keen participation in the Paasuram contest.

Photographs relating to prize distribution have been provided below.

You will be doing a great service to our Sampradaya by reaching out and introducing the website to as many people as you can. Sharing will only multiply the divine experience of everyone.

Keep in touch with the Editor's Note for important announcements, themes and issues.

Please feel free to e-mail your views/clarifications, if any, to [email protected].

May you all bask in the blessings of the Divya Dhampathis and Swami Desika.

Presentation of Prizes to the Winners of July 2015 Quiz:

Vedhavalli Venkataraman,

Jayanthi Vasudevan's friend
on her behalf


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Asritha singing the invocation:

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Sections of the winners of the Weekly Pasuram Quest -
July to September 2015:

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Overall Results - July 2015

Dear Fellow-Bhagavathas,

We thank you very much for your enthusiastic participation in the July 2015 quiz Trail Our Glorious Sampradaya — 100, with the entries totalling 173.

The number of top scorers (10/10) stands at 36. With another 44 nearly making it (9/10), the number of participants who secured a minimum of nine marks totalled a commendable 80. The average score registered is 7.88.

The three winners for the July quiz were picked through random selection by a computer program during the monthly prize-giving function held in the temple premises on 22nd August.

Sri P. Srihari, Editor, www.svdd.com, presided over the function and gave away the prizes to the three winners.

Many congratulations to the prize winners (in respect of the July quiz), who have been individually intimated through e-mail, and also the other top scorers. Those who secured 9/10 also deserve praise.

Special congratulations to S. Seethalakshmi, Chennai - 20, who emerged as the ‘First among the Best’ in the July quiz.

A screen image of the computer selection program showing the selection of the winners as well as photographs relating to prize distribution have been provided below.

We hope the Monthly Quiz Trail Our Glorious Sampradaya, which has concluded, was educative and provided an enriching experience.

May you all bask in the blessings of the Divya Dhampathis and Swami Desika.

Results at a Glance:

Total no. of participants173
Top score10 / 10
No. of top scorers36
No. of participants who scored 9 / 1044
Average score7.88 / 10

First Top Scorer:

Date of EntryNamePlace
Jul 02, 2015S. SeethalakshmiChennai - 20

The complete list can be accessed from here.

List of participants who scored 10 / 10

S. No.NameLocation
1A. R. SanthanagopalanChennai - 20
2Anuradha SMumbai
3Chandra Vbangalore
5G. KothandaramanThiruvananthapuram
6G. NirmalaHyderabad-26
7G. SathyaSrirangam
8Hema RajagopalanBengaluru
10Jayanthi VasudevanT. Nagar, Chennai
11Lalitha SeshadriChennai - 4
12Latha KrishnanNavi Mumbai
13M. L. Vasumathychennai
14MadhusudhananWestmambalam, Chennai
15Malathy VaradharajanChennai-26
16N. LakshmiBangalore-21
17Padma RajagopalChennai - 4
18Parimala SaranathanSrirangam
19Pushpa SeshadriBangalore - 4
20R. AlameluChromepet - 44
21R. S. GiridarThane west
22Radha Venkateshmumbai
24Rukmani KannanCoimbatore
25S. SeethalakshmiChennai - 20
26S. VaradarajanKalyan Nagara, Bangalore
27Smruti KrishnanNavi Mumbai
28Sowmya IyengarGhatkopar, Mumbai
29Sruthi KrishnanNavi Mumbai
31T. SunndarrajanT. Nagar, Chennai
32V. R. S. RanganathanAdyar, Chennai
33V. G. KrishnanNavi Mumbai
34Vasudha GovindrajanMumbai
35Veda Seshadrimatunga mumbai
36Vedavalli VenkataramanKodambakkam, Chennai

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Screen Image of selection of winners:

List of Winners

Vedavalli VenkataramanKodambakkam, Chennai
Jayanthi VasudevanT. Nagar, Chennai
S. SeethalakshmiChennai - 20

Note: Individual e-mails have been sent to the above three winners. They are requested to contact the Editor on +91 94444 - 13746 at the earliest.

List of participants who scored 9 / 10

S. No.NameLocation
1Anasuya RaghavanThiruvanmiyur, Chennai
2Andal SowmiyanarayananPlainsboro, NJ, USA
3Devaki SanthanamSrirangam
4Devaki SeshasayeeWest Mambalam, Chennai
5Geetha NarasimhanAdayar, Chennai
6HemaChennai - 83
8J. RamaKottivakkam, Chennai
10Janaki RaghavanMettupalayam, Chennai
11K. RaniChennai - 41
12Kalyani RaghunathanKodambakkam, Chennai
13Kripa PrabhakarNanganallur, Chennai
14Kumuda SrinivasanChennai
15Lakshmi JagannathanKottivakkam, Chennai
16Lakshmi MuralidharanChennai - 43
17Lakshmi VasudevanWest Mambalam, Chennai
18Lakshminarasimhan K. P.West Mambalam, Chennai
19Malathy T. K.Bangalore
20Mohana SrinivasSriRangam
21N. NagamaniKottivakkam, Chennai
22P. S. RamabhadranKottivakkam, Chennai
23Padma RagavanChennai - 33
24Padma Rengarajansrirangam
25Padmasree RamkumarThiruvanmiyur, Chennai
26Padmini VedanthamWest Mambalam, Chennai
27PrabhakarNanganallur, Chennai
28R. ChoodamaniChennai - 41
30R. RamaChennai-33
31Radha RenganathanRoyapettah, Chennai
32Rama Dhasarathysrirangam
33Rama SanthanamT. Nagar, Chennai
34Rathna RavichandranThiruvanmiyur, Chennai
35Revathy RameshBangalore - 61
36S. AmbujamChennai - 41
37S. GosakanVirugambakkam, Chennai
38S. KalavathyWest Mambalam, Chennai
39Saraswathi Sampathwest mambalam,chennai
40SarayulakshmiAdayar, Chennai
41Saroja RajagopalanWest Mambalam, Chennai
42Seshadri RangaswamiChennai - 4
43Usha VeeraraghavanChennai-33
44Vinaya KrishnanSrirangam

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www.svdd.com - © Sri Vedantha Desikar Devasthanam, Mylapore, Chennai.