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Editor's Note - 60 (May 1, 2013)

Expectant Devotees In The Middle Of A Rewarding Experience

Dear Fellow-Bhagavathas,

We, at Sri Vedantha Desika Devasthanam, are in the middle of the Maha Samprokshanam festival that is to be conducted tomorrow (May 2, Thursday). And so are the devotees who throng the Temple as the big day approaches.

It is such a divine and rewarding experience for all of us here as the preliminary rituals leading up to the grand event are gone through in all earnestness. The piety and spirituality of the atmosphere is all too pronounced with the presence of hundreds of devotees at any point of time during the various programmes connected with the festival.

It began with Vaasthu Homam and Kannaadi Arai (Hall of Mirrors) Samprokshanam on the morning of 28th April. Vishvaksena Aradhanam and Mruth-Sangrahanam were held in the evening on the same day in the august presence of Srimath Azhagiyasingars to actually set the Homam, chanting of the Vedas and recitation of Divya Prabandha rolling.

Over 200 scholars of the Vedas, Divya Prabandham, Ithihaasa and Puraanam are taking part in the event each session as the Satrumurai Goshti — the culminating point — attracting hundreds of other devotees as well. It has been an enthralling experience for the devotees who have had the great fortune of attending the event and listening to the reverberating chanting of the scriptures.

A grand Thirumanjanam to Perumal and Thayar was held on Tuesday evening. With a couple of days left for the grand finale, the momentum is building up nicely and the expectant devotes are eagerly awaiting ‘the occasion’. Devotees assert that they are already feeling tremendous positive vibes inside.

The new ‘Vasantha Mantapam’, made of traditional, natural stone on the southern side is a great attraction. With high and uniform roofing for the front Mantapam covering about 4000 sq. ft., the Temple has now become more spacious, airy and bright.

As is the custom during Uthsavams, Thadheeyaaraadhanam has been undertaken by the 108-year old Vedaparayana Sabha.

There is praise from all quarters over the excellent arrangement made by the Trust Board for the Maha Samprokshanam which Srimath Azhagiyasingars and Srimath Andavan have confirmed to grace.

I am also among those soaking in the great atmosphere and hence keeping this Note short.

Meet you in the next Note.

எங்கள் தூப்புல் பிள்ளை பாதம் என் சென்னியதே!

Natteri P. Srihari (a) Lakshmi Narasimhacharyar

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