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Editor's Note - 27 (August 1, 2010)

The Esteem Of Bhagavathas In Azhwars’ Outlook - 4

Dear Fellow-Bhagavathas,

Continuing from where we left off in the previous Note — just to recapitulate, we had a glimpse of Kaliyan’s tribute to Bhagavathas following Periyazhwar’s and Kulasekhara Azhwar’s in the earlier ones — it is Nammazhwar’s take on the subject that we shall share here.

Nammazhwar also has two exclusive decads dedicated to the greatness of Sriman Narayana’s devotees, in his Thiruvoymozhi, namely, Payilum Sudaroli (3-7) and Nedumaarku Adimai (8-10).

The first one — Payilum Sudaroli — is all about Azhwar’s passionate declaration that the Bhagavathas are his unexcelled masters. In this decad, Azhwar uses the second person mode and addresses the world at large in announcing his subservience to the devotees of the Lord Supreme. Now we shall have a look at the meaning of the Paasurams.

  1. You see, whosoever blessed with the privilege of worshipping the Lord of radiant effulgence and lotus eyes who is sweet to the heart and reclines on the couch in the Milky Ocean, are my masters for eternity.
  2. You see, those who fall prostrate with joined feet and folded hands to my discus-wielding Supreme Lord Krishna who has four mighty arms and is of gem-hued radiance, are my masters forever.
  3. You see, those who are subservient to the devotees of my Lord who is hailed by the mortals and the celestials alike and who sports the fragrant Thulasi wreath and the giantly golden discus, are forever my masters.
  4. You see, those who serve the servants of the devotees of the Lord with the best-fitting yellow attire, necklace, waist-band, flashy golden sacred thread, golden crown and numerous other ornaments and an innate jewel in Mahalakshmi, are for eternity, my mentors.
  5. You see, those who prattle the about the glory of those devotees who themselves prattle the names and greatness of the Lord who came to the aid of the celestials and gave them ambrosia from the Ocean of Milk, are my benefactors in this birth and beyond.
  6. You see, those who bear in their hearts Lord Krishna of pure and polished gem-hue who holds the discus and sports the nectar-oozing Thulasi garland and protects us all, will provide me succour forever, for sure.
  7. You see, those who prattle about the greatness of those who in turn prattle the eternal glory of the Lord who comes to the rescue of His devotees through their various births, reforms them and finally takes them unto His feet, are my trusted masters who will safeguard my interests forever.
  8. You see, whosoever, even from the depths of the hell called ‘Kumbi’, praises the trusted Lord who created the Universe, who has Mahalakshmi on His chest, whose real nature is incomprehensible even to the celestials, constitute adorable clan for me forever.
  9. You see, those who are servants of the servants of the devotees of the gem-hued Lord who bears the discus on His right hand, even if they are rank Chandaalas from a stratum below the four Varnas and do not possess even an iota of goodness, are my masters.
  10. Those who are servants of the servants of the servants of the servants of the servants of the servants of the servants of my Lord who swallowed the whole world and lay as a baby on a fig-leaf that floated in the deluge waters, are my masters.

The tenth Paasuram brings out the greatness of the Bhagavathas best and Azhwar submits with all humility that he is in the seventh layer of the vertical hierarchy of the devotees of the Lord. There cannot be a better way to put the status of the Bhagavatha in proper perspective.

Azhwar concludes saying that those who learn the decad properly would get rid of the vicious birth cycle.

We shall take up Nedumaarku Adimai (8-10) separately later.

Meet you in the next Note.

எங்கள் தூப்புல் பிள்ளை பாதம் என் சென்னியதே!

Natteri P. Srihari (a) Lakshmi Narasimhacharyar

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