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Editor's Note - 23 (April 1, 2010)

Moving On With More Divine Experience

Dear Fellow-Bhagavathas,

It has been a wonderful divine journey, a thoroughly rewarding one, with you these three years and more. The website is what it is today because of your great support, and of course, the grace of the Divya Dhampathi and Swami Desika. Your avid following of the evolution of the site has been a significant motivating factor that feeds on our earnest endeavour to excel.

Through this Note, I take the opportunity to make a few announcements regarding some new features in the offing. Before doing that, it would be in order to recall that the two Article Series – ‘Master of Analogy’ (by S. Padmalatha) and ‘Acharya Vamsa Vruksham’ (by Anbil Ramaswamy) – have concluded with their respective final episodes on March 15.

‘Master of Analogy’ dealt with some hundred exquisite and simple simile employed by Swami Desika in his masterpiece Srimath Rahasya-thraya Saaram to facilitate our understanding of our philosophy. The lucid and free-flowing narration succinctly captured the essence of the theme. It can be said with confidence that the series maintained the spirit of the original work in tact while simplifying its nuances.

‘Acharya Vamsa Vruksham’ as its name implies brought forth the history, deeds and greatness of the preceptors of our Sampradaya (from Sriman Narayana to Swami Desika) which every Srivaishnava ought to know. Fittingly, an extensive account was accorded to Sri Ramanuja and Swami Desika, the premier Acharyas. The important events in the Acharyas’ lives have been crisply recorded and the series can be termed as a ready-reckoner on our Guru Parampara. Suffice it to say that the author is a scholar of repute.

Both these series have been extremely well received and we record our sincere thanks to the authors. They will permanently adorn our web pages.

‘Weekly Paasuram Quest’

And, now on to the announcements. In furtherance of providing the viewers with divine experience, a new contest feature entitled ‘Weekly Paasuram Quest’ will be launched shortly. This weekly programme will be uploaded every Sunday in which the concise meaning of a Paasuram from Naalaayira Divya Prabandham will be given and the participants have to identify the Paasuram. Regular and correct entries will be rewarded, the details of which will be made known in due course.

‘Your Corner’

Another feature we are planning to introduce is ‘Your Corner’ to which viewers can contribute neatly-presented write-ups regarding, say, a pilgrimage to Divyadesams which they undertook and any other divine experience, or an interesting anecdote. The details are being worked out and will be posted soon. Viewers who wish to contribute articles may do so and they will be considered for publishing subject to the terms.

Finally, those who wish to contribute to the ‘Quiz Master In You’ section are requested to check our Archives thoroughly before sending the questions. It has been noticed that repeat questions are sent in by the participants.

Looking forward to your continued co-operation.

Meet you in the next Note.

எங்கள் தூப்புல் பிள்ளை பாதம் என் சென்னியதே!

Natteri P. Srihari (a) Lakshmi Narasimhacharyar

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