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Editor's Note - 2 (July 1, 2008)

‘Chithra Desikeeyam’ Is Here; Views Get To Be ‘Viewed’

Dear Fellow-Bhagavathas,

One month on, and you must now be familiar with the new lay-out. Hope you enjoyed the photos (287 in all) capturing Lord Srinivasa’s beauty during the Brahmothsavam, Srimath Azhagiyasingar’s Mangalaasaasanam therein, Ubhaya Veda Goshti and other related proceedings, besides the 23 video clippings. With the pre-revamp constraints off, it’s time for us to move on.

Next, the countdown for Swami Desika’s annual festival is about to begin. It is our bounden duty to adore our great Acharya, meditate his illustrious life and his masterly works, and spread his flowing glory… however ridiculously inadequate it would be as return for his magnificent contribution to the Sri Sampradaya and the benefits we derived from it. Even for this, we can only borrow from him.

... போற்றியுகப்பதும் புந்தியில் கொள்வதும் பொங்குபுகழ்
சாற்றி வளர்ப்பதும் சற்றல்லவோ முன்னம் பெற்றதற்கே!
(அதிகார ஸங்க்ரஹம் - 38)

So, as precursor to the Desikar Uthsavam which is a couple of months away, we present a pictorial depiction of the Life History of Swami Desika titled ‘Chithra Desikeeyam’ available here. This is an adaptation of a Power Point slide show created by Lakshmi Narasimhan Sridhar of Bangalore. We record our sincere thanks to him for his whole-hearted and unconditional permission to use the same in our website.

The wall paintings illustrating various incidents in Swami Desika’s life as found in the Prakara of the temple at Thooppul, his birth place, form the fulcrum of this presentation supported by appropriate narration. This feature will surely instil a great sense of veneration and devotion towards the Acharya Saarvabhowma, especially in young minds which are instrumental to holding aloft our Sampradaya in future. Swami Desika’s life history is a must-know for every one of us. Elders are requested to initiate and guide their children into ‘Chithra Desikeeyam’ and make them understand the greatness of our Acharya.

Another feature which has been introduced – after much deliberation – is ‘Valued Views’. This is to encourage more viewer participation in the pages of our website and this section contains some of the well-presented views received from you in the form of feedback on various features on our site. This will serve as a mirror, reflecting the impressions of the cross-section of the visitors of the site.

The reason for deliberation is we did not want this to be seen as a platform to parade unabashed praises. However, some of the feedbacks have been so good and thoroughly analytical that we thought they would be beneficial to many others in their experience with the site. Moreover, collectively they would throw light upon all that is featured in the site. A case in point is the feedback received from Hema Muralidharan, Chennai - 4. Even if it is a little too long and lavishly (embarrassingly too!) appreciative, it has nicely covered the whole gamut of the site. We owe our sincere thanks to all those who chipped in with their feedback.

Appreciation, in the context, – much as it sounds sweet – has a demanding off-shoot. To keep up to the set standards and endeavouring to improve are a perennial challenge. Having said that, we are not averse to objective critical assessment. This column will be used to discuss any such matter and our response to suggestions.

One such suggestion has come from Prabha Rangarajan, Horsham (Australia). It’s about the need for a quiz programme for children. We are planning to start something on these lines in a couple of months, probably with an ‘exclusive’ on Swami Desika, coinciding with his Vaarshika Uthsavam. Keep checking this column for more details.

Also, we have received a few passionate pleas to make the on-going quiz a twice-a-month affair. We are unable to be affirmative on that, at least for now, on two counts. On the one hand, it will be a severe encroachment on the feasibility and on the other, will result in a shrink in the learning span (nearly cut into half).

For now, it’s time to sit back and have a crack at the July quiz.

எங்கள் தூப்புல் பிள்ளை பாதம் என் சென்னியதே!

Natteri P. Srihari (a) Lakshmi Narasimhacharyar

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