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Acharya Vamsa Vruksham - 14 (March 15, 2010)

Lineage Tree of Preceptors
Anbil Ramaswamy, U.S.A.

16. Sri Vedantha Desika (Purattaasi-Thiruvonam) – Part - V

Swami Desika's works:

Throughout his works – whether small or short, extensive and elaborate, whether poem or drama or Vyakhyanam – the one thread that runs through is his insatiable dedication in maintaining Ramanuja Darsanam. With his inscrutable insight into the various realms of knowledge and incisive logical talents in demolishing the failings of other schools of thought he could have built a new system of his own. Any other Acharya of his standing would have easily bungled into this trap. But, his conviction that Ramanujas system was not only ancient but also approved by Poorva Acharyas helped him avoid this and he strengthened the edifice built by Bhagavath Ramanuja.

Given below is the staggering bibliography of Swami Desika’s Granthas.

A: Devotional Poems (in alphabetical order):

  1. AbhIthi Sthavam
  2. Achyutha Sathakam
  3. Ashtabuja Ashtakam
  4. Bhagavath Dhyaana Sopaanam
  5. Bhu Sthuthi
  6. Dasaavataara Sthothram
  7. Dayaa Sathakam
  8. Dehaleesa Sthuthi
  9. Devanaayaka Panchaasath
  10. Garuda Dhandakam
  11. Garuda Panchaasath
  12. Godhaa Sthuthi
  13. Gopaala Vimsathi
  14. Hayagriva Sthothram
  1. Kaamaasika Ashtakam
  2. Nyaasa Dasakam
  3. Nyaasa Thilakam
  4. Nyaasa Vimsathi
  5. Paramaartha Sthuthi
  6. Mahaveera Vaibhavam
  7. Saranaagathi Dipikai
  8. Shodasa Aayudha Sthothram
  9. Sree Sthuthi
  10. Sudharsana Ashtakam
  11. Vairaagya Panchakam
  12. Varadaraaja Panchaasath
  13. Vegaa Sethu Sthothram
  14. Yathiraaja Sapthadhi

B: Kaavya Granthas (Poetic Classics):

  1. Subhashithaa Nivi
  2. Yaadhavaabhyudhayam
  3. Paadukaa Sahasram
  4. Hamsa Sandhesam
  5. Samasya Sahasri (Luptham-Lost)

C: Nataka Grantha (Drama):

  1. Sankalpa Suryodhayam

D: Rahasya Granthas (Esoteric Works):

  1. Sath Sampradaaya Pari Suddhi
  2. Thathva Padhavi
  3. Rahasya Padhavi
  4. Thathva Navaneetham
  5. Rahasya Navaneetham
  6. Thathva Maathrukai
  7. Rahasya Maathrukai
  8. Thathva Sandhesam
  9. Rahasya Sandhesam
  10. Rahasya Sandhesa Vivaranam
  11. Thathva Rathnaavali
  12. Thathva Ratnaavali Prathipaadhya Sangraham
  13. Rahasya Rathnaavali
  14. Rahasya Rathnaavali Hrudhayam
  15. Thathva Thraya Sulakam
  16. Rahasya Thraya Sulakam
  1. Abhaya Pradhaana Saaram
  2. Rahasya Sikhaamani
  3. Anjali Vaibhavam
  4. Pradhaana Sathakam
  5. Upakaara Sangraham
  6. Saara Sangraham
  7. Muni Vaahana Bhogam
  8. Madhura Kavi Hrudhayam (Luptham-Lost)
  9. Parama Padha Sopaanam
  10. Para Matha Bhangam
  11. Hasthigiri Mahaathmyam
  12. Rahasya Thraya Saaram
  13. Saara Saaram
  14. Virodha Parihaaram
  15. Nigama Parimalam (Luptham-Lost)
  16. Thiru Mudi Adaivu (Luptham-Lost)

E: Vedantha Granthas (Philosophical Works):

  1. Thattva Mukthaa Kalaapam
  2. Adhikarana Saaraavali
  3. Satha Dhushani
  4. Nyaaya Parisuddhi
  5. Seswara Mimaamsa
  6. Mimaamsa Paadhuka
  7. Nikshepa Raksha
  1. Sath Charitha Raksha (comprising)
    1. Sudharsana Paancha Janya Vidhi
    2. Oordhva Pundra Dhaarana Vidhi
    3. Bhagavan Nivedhitha Upayoga Vidhi
  2. Rahasya Rakshaa
  3. Dramidopanishad Thaathparya Rathnaavali (A commentary on Nammazhwar's Thiruvoimozhi)
  4. Dramidopanishad Saara (A shorter version of the above)

F: Vyaakhyaana Granthas (Commentaries):

  1. Sarvaartha Siddhi
  2. Thathvateekha
  3. Chathu Slokee Bhaashya
  4. Sthothra Ratna Bashya
  5. Githaartha Sangraha Raksha
  1. Thaathparya Chandrika
  2. Isaavaasyopanishad
  3. Vedaartha Sangraha (Luptam-Lost)
  4. Rahasya Raksha (aka) Gadhya Thraya Bashya
  5. Adhikarana Darpanam

G: Anushtaana Granthas (Works on Practices):

  1. Bhagavad Aaraadhana Vidhi
  2. Yajnopaveetha Prathishta
  3. Hari Dina Thilakam
  4. Vaishnava Dinasari

H: Ithara Granthas (Miscellaneous Works):

  1. Bhookola Nirnayam
  2. Silpaartha Saaram
  3. Stheya Virodham
  4. Chakaara Samarthanam
  5. Vaadhi Thraya Khandanam
  6. Vaisvadeva Kaarika
  7. Guru Paramparaa Saaram
  1. Dathi Panchakam
  2. Yamaka Rathnaakaram
  3. Daasa Deepikaa Nigantu
  4. Vedaartha Sangraha Vyaakhyaanam
  5. Saara Deepam (Luptham-Lost)
  6. Thathva Sikhaamani (Luptham-Lost)

I: Tamil Prabhandhams:

  1. Amrutha Ranjani
  2. Adhikaara Sangraham
  3. Amrruthaaswaadhini
  4. Parama Padha Sopaanam
  5. Para Matha Bhangam
  6. Mei Viratha Maanmiyam
  7. Adaikkalap Pathu
  8. Artha Panchakam
  9. Sri Vaishnava Dhinasari
  10. Tiruchchinna Maalai
  11. Panniru Naamam
  12. Thiru Mantira Churukku
  1. Dhvaya Churukku
  2. Charma Sloka Churukku
  3. Githaartha Sangraham
  4. MumManik Kovai
  5. Navamani Maalai
  6. Prabhandha Saaram
  7. Aahaara Niyamam
  8. Pandhu (Luptham-Lost)
  9. Kazhal (Luptham-Lost)
  10. Ammaanai (Luptam-Lost)
  11. Oosal (luptham-Lost)
  12. Yesal (Luptham-Lost)

Thaniyans on Swami Desika:

A number of Thanians (laudatory verses) were dedicated to him.

1. His son Varadacharya implores "the great lion of poetics and dialectics and the great preceptor of Vedanta (that Swami Venkatanatha was) should reside in his heart always."

ஸ்ரீமான் வேங்கட நாதார்ய: கவிதார்க்கிக கேஸரீ !
வேதாந்தாசார்ய வர்யோ மே ஸந்நிதத்தாம் ஸதாஹ்ருதி !!

2. Another one was by his disciple Brahma Thanthra Swathanthra which says: "I salute the great Venkatanatha also called Vedanta Acharya and Lion among poets and logicians and who was well adorned by both knowledge and discretion and who well deserved the grace of Srimath Ramanuja."

ராமாநுஜ தயாபாத்ரம் ஜ்ஞாந வைராக்ய பூஷணம் !
ஸ்ரீமத் வேங்கட நாதார்யம் வந்தே வேதாந்த தேசிகம் !!

3. Pillai Lokaachaarya lavished a praise on Swami Desika, saying "For a person who desires to ascend up to the Heavens, even a single statement of the great Acharya, Thooppul Thiuvenkatamudaiyaan (Vedanta Desika) uttered by him for the benefit of humanity, would be sufficient to achieve the goal."

சீரொன்று தூப்புல் திருவேங்கடமுடையான்
பாரொன்றச்சொன்ன பழமொழியுள் -- ஓரொன்று
தானே அமையாதோ தாரணியில் வாழ்வார்க்கு
வானேறப் போமளவும் வாழ்வு.

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Anbil Ramaswamy being honoured

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கவிதார்க்கிக ஸிம்ஹாய கல்யாண குணசாலிநே !
ஸ்ரீமதே வேங்கடேசாய வேதாந்த குரவே நம: !!

ஸ்ரீமதே நிகமாந்த மஹாதேசிகாய நம: !

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Series concluded.

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The author is President, Swami Desika Darsana Satsangam (SDDS) and Editor,
Sri Ranga Sri (SRS) Electronic Journal, U.S.A.

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www.svdd.com - © Sri Vedantha Desikar Devasthanam, Mylapore, Chennai.